Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Electron Forbidden Love

Electron sat pensively , occasionally he kayuhkan swing his legs moving so slowly . Swing is often called orbital electron is like most places . So anyone who wants to find it just to the orbital . However , it is not easy to meet Electrons in there . But at least the possibility of electron releasing orbitallah penatnya place when he was in the atom .
" Why do I always remember the Proton ? " Complained Electron pulling a deep breath and exhale slowly .
" What's wrong with this feeling , can I just not attracted to him? " Question the umpteenth time , but not too Electron know the answer .
Electron looked far ahead and stopped at a room called nukleous . Gaze burdened with yet so sharply as if to penetrate the walls of the rooms where the protons are .
" If I was Neutron , my heart must be very happy because I will always be close to Proton " gumannya again .
~ *** ~
Electrons live in a small house with two foster brothers . The neighbors called the playhouse as atoms . Electrons is the eldest . Om his birth assisted by JJ Thomson in 1897 . Since in the womb he was often called by the name of cathode rays as electrons are children obtained through the cathode ray tube and its development was monitored by om William Crookes . After birth , he was named as desired Electron om GJ Stoney . Weighing weighed by om Robert ownership was only 9.11 x 10-28 grams .
Brother first called Proton . Om his birth assisted by E. Rutherford in 1906 . She's more fat mass than electrons because electrons are 1837 times the mass of 1.673 x 10-24 grams .
In 1932 , the two electrons have a sister named Neutron . Om James Chadwick who delivered him . He's almost as portly with Proton since its mass is 1.675 x 10-24 g .
Although they are brothers and live together in a house three atoms but different characters . The electrons do not like being in the house . For him the world feel cramped if just looking at the walls that separate the outer world . Driving around in the yard more fun , electrons can be a walk in the park , looking at the flowers growing and inhale the fragrance . When morning comes , the sun will smuggle warmth so that the electrons are excited to continue the activity. Normally , electrons will be cycling through the track which he calls the orbit . if he feels tired then rest in the orbital electrons . Electron liveliness considered negative behavior by the family .
Another with her ​​siblings , they prefer in the room . The room they called the nucleus that is why they are both called nucleon . Even so , sometimes Proton Electron know if interested with activities . So they often try to meet to share their hearts . While he is very ignorant Neutron . Whatever happens in the atom house , he only neutral - neutral .
For families atom , Proton taciturnity is considered a positive trait . But for the Electron , Proton has a charisma that makes it look perfect compared Neutron . The big difference in character between Electron and Proton makes them attracted to each other . This makes the interest burden for them because it should not exist .
~ *** ~
" I beg Proton , you try to understand my feelings " said Electron .
" Sorry Electron , without you katakanpun I know how you feel because I will feel that way , but that's not possible " said Proton half- sobbing back tears .
"If we are united , then there would be no atoms house again " said Proton softly .
Electron silent , he could not understand at all Proton leave nukleous . but he also could not remove the interest in Proton easily , ignore it just made sense to be upset . Moreover, much of it must , surely miss it there . Longing for attention , missed the story spoiled , full of flavor with a look of longing deep secret .
" Oh well , let this feeling persists, toch I can still look at you despite their inability to be with you " said Electron later .
" You know Proton , the only one who used to come in my dreams and it is only a dream .... " Further Electron confirms what he felt during this .
Both are now silent , silent by a feeling of helplessness will be present at some point between the two . But they understand , happiness does not always have to be the one but are warned when one , motivating when tired , give wise counsel when agitated , may all become a place to worship . Of difference is what will make them in the unity of the atoms in the house so that they can occupy the position , duties and functions of each for the sake of turning a beautiful world .

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